Kolmapäeva kollaaž
2. jaanuar 2013, Leina Neima, Kommentaarid: 0
Pidulikku ja külluslikku uue aasta algust!

Flickr favorites grupist Etsy Europe: 1. Velvet and Topaz choker-5, 2. DIY Christmas Ornament Tree - how to instructions tabletop centerpiece, 3. Guardian of the night, 4. Wild Roses Fairy Lights - Vintage Pink, 5. Golden bookmark with a spider charm, 6. Autumn earrings, 7. Softly Striking pendant earrings, 8. A touch of gold, 9. Aurora - Gemstone necklace with Citrine, Cognac Quartz, Garnet, golden Rutilated Quartz and Mystic Rose Quartz wire wrapped in 14K gold filled
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